Sunday, April 5, 2015

Exaltation by: Jamie Magee


Title: Exaltation (Insight #10)

Author: Jamie Magee

Published: February 10, 2015

Rating: 4 Stars

I can't believe it, this book had so much action, the way the characters developed was incredible, and then the big battle in the last 5% of the book?!!! That's crazy!!!

There's a death of a character you grow to love, but of course that somebody is not going to give up on dying (when you read the book this will make better sense)

Was one soul worth the lives of millions? The quandary was one that Rydell King had no choice but to face. No matter the answer, the truth remained—innocence was created to destroy him. She was beautiful…extinguishing her to save his people seemed impossible, and maybe it was. As an immortal, his focus was to destroy the curse upon his people, as he devoured the emotion that bore him—exaltation, no matter the cost. She made him question everything.

Mercy had never been crueler.

In this story, the author does such an amazing job with character development and them finally coming of age to fulfill a prophecy that has been on their back for centuries. And now the time has come to fulfill it.

This book gives an amazing lesson on how loved ones will literally do anything to protect you, because love is a very powerful thing.

One of the main characters, Raven, is destined for great and powerful things according to the prophecy.
Raven and her friends have to discover the details of the prophecy and what they all really are, because none of their family and friends are helping them to do so...

This book opens your eyes and tells you that the good can be bad, and the bad can be good.
Basically this book blurs the lines in between.

Wow, I just can't wait for te next book, because I was no AT ALL satisfied with that ending, YOUR CRUEL JAMIE!!! CRUEL!!! Now I have to wait a year to get the next one. Yaaaaaaay.

Posted by: (;Lucy Lala;)

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