Title: The Wrath & the Dawn (The Wrath & the Dawn #1)
Author: Renee Ahdieh
Publisher: G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers (May 12, 2015)
This book was FANTASTIC!!! Makes me wonder why I delayed this book so much...
The Wrath and the Dawn was basically a retelling of A Thousand Nights (one of the best classics EVER!), but Ahdieh was able to mix Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin into the book.
Basically The Wrath and the Dawn was A Thousand Nights, with the big curse on the youngest Caliph in Khorasan history, also known as the "King of Kings". The "monster" of his book is Khalid, who at every dawn weds a new bride and kills her the next day. Turns out at around page 300, we find out the MAIN reason why Khalid (for how young he is) does this to many families. It's not because he's a cold hearted bastard, it's for his kingdom. I mean it's wrong, and it turns out the curse was out of jealousy from his first wife Ava (her father had done it when she was grieving and killed herself), and Khalid has been suffering it for almost 3 years now. but that doesn't mean he doesn't grieve along with the other families. Coincidentally, Shahrzad (I'll call her Shazi) is the last one so that the curse is broken, but Khalid ends up falling in love with her, because she's different from other girls.
Shazi isn't perfect. She had a lover before she volunteered to wed Khalid for vengeance on her best friends death (Shavi) who is also Tariq's sister. And of course Tariq (her lover) doesn't accept this, and works together with his uncle, her father, and an army of assassins to try to get her back; what they don't realize is that Shazi found out that Khalid isn't the cold-hearted bastard/monster everyone thought he was. Khalid is actually a human being, with a curse over his head and everyone closest to him knew, who felt guilty ten ties fold and actually wrote letters to ALL of the families of the women he killed himself at dawn.
Night after night, Shahrzad interests Khalid, weaving stories that enchant, ensuring her survival, though she knows each dawn could be her last. Incredibly, Shahrzad over all of the grief, anger, hatred, and vengeance, she soon finds herself falling in love. She resolves to uncover whatever secrets lurk and, despite her love, be ready to take Khalid's life as retribution for the many lives he's stolen. Can their love survive this world of stories and secrets?
This book is not only a romance, there is also magic (that I HOPE we will see more of in the sequel!), and turns out that when everyone thought that Khalid was the worst monster of them all? Think again. Because an unforeseen evil has just been awakened at the end of this book, and it's going to get ugly. This was just the beginning.
I loved the fact that Shazi was such a strong protagonist. She didn't show fear instead of the "monster" but made him show his true colors.
I loved her handmaiden and the alternative drama with her and Jalal (they need to work on that!)
I loved the scene where Shazi and Khalid were dressed as commoners and were able to explore the city as "regular" people (I LOVED THAT SCENE! GOODNESS!)
And I also liked the plot twists in the end, that was sure unexpected and that cliffhanger was the WORST! I need the sequel now!
P.S: I'm pretty sure the sequel is going to involve more background on Shazi's magic, Khalid's curse, and there is going to be a WAR! OH MY GOSH!